So that you can enjoy our Saltletts without a care

It's important to us that you know what ingredients are contained in our Saltletts and how they are made.
First and foremost: our Saltletts are baked, not fried. This means they have a relatively low fat content compared to other salty snacks, and therefore also a lower calorific value.
So what exactly does that mean for your snack?
100g of most Saltlett products have around 100 kcal less than 100g potato chips and other fried snacks. The rapeseed oil that we use ensures a very high percentage of "good" unsaturated fatty acids (and at the same time very few "bad" saturated fatty acids).
What's more, you should know that we bake all our Saltletts products with no flavour-enhancing ingredients and, with one single exception (the Saltletts Cocktail Mix), also with no raw materials of animal origin - in other words, 100% vegan.
To make this even clearer for you, we label our Saltletts packs with clear icons.

We are continually working to reduce our packaging and plastic waste. To that end, over the past few years we have been constantly on the lookout for potential improvements. We are using less plastic wherever technically possible by introducing measures such as optimising formats, making packaging thinner or removing reclosure stickers.
From now on, these packs will carry our Mission: #Less Plastic icon. For example, our packaging for Saltletts Sticks 150g, which now contains 13% less plastic than in 2019 as we are using a thinner packaging material.
With the Cocktail Mix 180g and Seeds Cracker 100g we have also removed the reclosure stickers. In this way, we are managing to reduce our use of plastic in the manufacture of our Saltletts products by 65 tons per year worldwide.
If you don't find our Mission icon on one of our packs, this is because we have yet to find a plastic-saving alternative for these products that allows us to package them in the required quality for global sales.
However, you can be sure that our search for more sustainable packaging solutions will continue into the future so that we keep getting closer to achieving our Mission: #Less Plastic.

However, recyclable packaging only benefits our environment when it is properly disposed of. We are aware that different countries around the world are at different stages of development when it comes to recycling systems.
Help us to contribute to reducing plastic waste by finding out where you can dispose of our Saltletts packaging in your region, so that the material can be reused. We know full well that there is still a long way to go, but our search for more sustainabe packaging will continue into the future. Do you want to find out more?